6 small online business podcasts you should learn from today


25 April, 2024

Woman and man record a podcast together, with a laptop and coffees in front of them

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Podcast manager by day, reader, crocheter & introvert by night, and all-around lover of everything business. From tips and tricks to insights and inspiration, we'll explore the wild world of podcasting and entrepreneurship together. Let's make some magic happen!

Hi, I'm Lauren!

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Podcasts – listen to them on a walk, in the car, in the shower, while making dinner – basically, anywhere. And if you listen to podcasts as much as I do, you’ll constantly be on the lookout for new ones. So, in the interest of sharing what I’m LOVING right now – here’s my six current favourite small online business podcasts that you will definitely want to pop on your podcast player ASAP!

The Social Sunday by Hannah Isted from HI Communications

The Social Sunday Podcast Cover Art

This bite-sized podcast is perfect for anyone who thinks that marketing is all just a bit too complicated. One of Hannah’s main business focuses is the concept of “10-minute marketing”. It’s actually the focus of her amazing membership, The Best 90 Days Ever, where you get a 10-minute prompt every day for 90 days (duh) that will help you improve your marketing and business presence across a range of topics, from collaborations, pitching, websites and SEO, to podcasts (of course!). If that sounds just your cup of tea, you can sign up here!

Pitch over – let’s get back to why you should listen. This podcast is just the right length for a quick break in your day while you’re making a coffee, letting the dogs out, or waiting for that pesky delayed train! Each episode tends to fall between 10 and 15 minutes, and the topics cover all aspects of marketing but through the lens of making marketing easy. Our lives are complicated enough, right?! Hannah also covers topics like launching (she just released a book!), time management and content prompts.

How to Take Action by Sarah Arnold-Hall

How to Take Action Podcast Cover Art

Sarah’s podcast is also perfect for squeezing a quick episode into those little gaps in your day. It’s also perfect for people like me – those who set overly-ambitious goals and struggle to actually achieve them! As a high-performance coach, her episodes often share quick tips that you can put into action that same day and cover a range of topics like discipline, motivation and organisation. It’s definitely one you want to listen to with a notebook nearby!

Growing Steady by Caroline and Jason Zook from Wandering Aimfully

Growing Steady Podcast Cover Art

If you don’t know who Caroline and Jason are, you are MISSING OUT. I’ve been a part of Wandering Aimfully (WAIM) for almost three years now. It is hands down one of my favourite places on the internet! C&J’s entire business and ethos is a total inspiration to me. Whether that’s the systems, the organisation, the branding, the humour, the community – they are masters in their craft. And they’re proof that you can change your podcast name and it doesn’t matter – I think they’ve had three now!

Growing Steady is just their whole business in a nutshell, sharing insights into running a business as a husband and wife duo, their business experiments, running their other business Teachery, (a course hosting platform), the year that they travelled the world and just generally making business fun again. Like I said, they really inspire me, and they’ll be sure to inspire you too! If you’re interested in joining WAIM, you can check out more details here and join outside of enrollment periods (win!) here.

Starting the Conversation by Alice Benham

Starting The Conversation Podcast Cover Art

Alice is another one of those business owners who inspires me every day! I’ve had the pleasure of working with her before, and it’s safe to say, she really knows her stuff. Starting the Conversation is a podcast that aims to show all aspects of running a business, from lessons learned, to mistakes, to hearing stories from people who just “get it”. Being a business owner can be lonely, and Alice’s podcast helps you realise that you aren’t alone! The podcast has also been around for over six years, so it also shows how over time you can gain the confidence and skills to create something truly amazing later on down the line.

JFDI with The Two Lauras by Laura Davis & Laura Moore

JFDI Podcast Cover Art

This HILARIOUS and informative podcast aims to help social media managers and freelancers with to run better businesses and build their skills. “Why have I listened to it when I’m not a social media manager?”, I hear you ask… Well, shameless plug – this is one of the podcasts that I work on and honestly, I learn something every week that inspires my own marketing and content creation. These episodes are packed full of insights from two people who have really been there and got the T-shirts. If I was a social media manager, I don’t think I’d want to learn from anyone else!

The HerHQ Podcast by Hollie Prescott from HerHQ

The HerHQ Podcast Cover Art

Hollie (and her biz partner Chelsea) are the only mentors you need if you’re an online service provider. They’re truly yin and yang and that makes them the BEST people to learn from. Hollie was a brand designer, Chelsea was an OBM and their businesses were absolutely booming. Then, they ended up in business together, having never met in person! HerHQ’s aim is to help women start and scale their online businesses and they’ve now helped over 4000 people, including me – I’ve worked with them in lots of ways over the years, and even had the luxury of going to America for the first time (alone!!) for a retreat with them and some other incredible business owners.

Their podcast is pretty new, but so far it’s been sharing stories of women who’ve broken free from corporate and built businesses that they love. There also might be one popping up soon with yours truly!

To Sum Up

I hope you’ve spotted something above that piques your interest! All of these podcasts are ones that I really do love and learn a lot from. I’m ALWAYS looking for new fun podcasts to listen to (or work on – check out my services here), so if you have a recommendation for me, I’d love it if you dropped it in the comments section below.

Till next time!

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